In the Greek Christian tradition, the person is often described as being at the center of creation, at the crossroads. The human person is seen as a microcosm reflecting the whole creation, both material and spiritual. In this way, the human person is the bond of creation, the bridge - the marriage song of creation. The human person is called to be the mediator. We are called to unite. We are called to take material things and make them spiritual. Though they remain material, we raise them to a higher level. And because each of us in made in the Image of God, it is the task of each of us to be the priest of creation, to take the creation and to offer it back to God. - Bishop Kallistos Ware, “Image and Likeness”
TALK ABOUT IT: The Human Vocation
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DO IT (INNER WORK): Re-imagining Yourself
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DO IT (OUTER WORK): Offering Creation
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- Share :: Choose “Offering Creation” to share your experience in actually exercising your role as a mediator of the material and the spiritual, as a priest of creation offering it back to God.